
Please read these guidelines thoroughly and prepare your paper accordingly.
To submit your paper, follow the link at the bottom of this page.


All papers must be in English, and submitted in PDF format through this web page.
Please comply with the following guidelines.
In certain cases, non-compliance may lead to paper rejection, exclusion from publication, and/or corrective actions.


All papers that are accepted must be presented at the conference, either by the authors themselves, or via a proxy capable of answering questions regarding the presented work. For Poster presenters, physical presence is required throughout the poster session. In case a paper (oral or poster) is not presented at the conference, it shall be deemed a “no-show.” No-shows will be removed from post-conference distribution and will not be available on IEEE Xplore® or other public-access IEEE forums.


In order to achieve the same appearance for all manuscripts, SOCC requires the usage of the IEEE Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings, available in Microsoft Word and LaTeX format. Please do only use the US Letter size templates. A4 size will not be accepted by the system.


A pdf file should be prepared using the following guidelines:



Please submit your paper exclusively via the EDAS Conference and Journal Management System. Papers sent by email cannot be accepted.